Friday 21 December 2018

Out with the old, in with the new

You might remember from a few posts ago that I was having trouble with the charge point installed at my house. Well, I just thought I'd give you a quick update.

The old unit is a Chargemaster type, which is a well known brand of charger. It came free of charge (no pun intended) with the car when I bought it. Around about the end of October it started acting up, where it would trip the RCD switch at the fuse board, to the point where I couldn't charge at home. These units come with a 3-year warranty, so I sent the serial number off to the manufacturer, to be told that the warranty ran out in mid-2017. So, it's over 4 years old. Time for a change.

The new unit is a Rolec 32a charger, so it has an output of about 7kW. The unit was supplied by an Irish based provider, and was couriered within 24 hours of purchase. It is a much more modern unit, with better water resistance rating, and it has an RCD built in to the front of the charger, for safety. This design means that the RCD is no longer needed at the fuse board, and so it was swapped out for a higher rated MCB (40a Type C, if anyone is interested). This has been up and running for over a week now, with no issues with switches tripping.

For anyone looking for a recommendation about a supplier and installer, I would be happy to share the details of who I used if you want to send me a PM.

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